Thursday, October 30, 2008

elections debate

look my point aint about obama, clearly he got mad swag and compared to mccain and white masculinity's fantasy palin he is a better candidate. but thats comparative. of course i hope he wins, but since he will win ny i can go ahead and vote green since i want to help build an alternative since obama himself, not what we say or want from him, but he himself has clearly told us his politics. and his politics are no different than bill clintons who also swept the pregressive imagination when he ran. so we are always in this boat. and i dont support greens cause i see people excited about them, based on others excitement i should vote obama, i support them cause i think regular people can actually help shape that party more than they can the Dems and for me politics is about actual political engagement not $20 online, shit churches get ppl excited and mad loot and i aint joining them! the greens or any other independent politic will only grow if we grow it. thus if we dont see them as an option the question is do we want to see them as an option and if so why and what will we do to make them/ourselves an option.
same with PR shit right?
personally i like obama and really feel rodstarz's open letter to him but like rodstarz says, based on obamas stated politics and our evaluation of where we need to go to make shit better and i dont mean REVOLUTION, its hard to support obama. hard for those of us who are revolutionaries in intent, easy for regular peeps who are not even thinking about protesting him, like we do. thats a clear difference.we are clear that we will be protesting him and we rather him than mccain. but others think his administration will make shit better, we just think we will have more leeway to struggle to make things better. a vote for greens wont make shit better, but either will voting for obama. real solutions come from real political struggle. thats why iam trying to help build an alternative, not the green party but a third party. what if yall are wrong, what if he, true to his word, is another clinton (welfare, prisons, etc) and is the black face of a "postracial" empire. will the ground be easier for us to struggle or less so. the distinction is that some of us think that the illusion is what will make it harder for us, and we think this because of history not ideology. the dems are and have always been the burial ground of the Left. thus i support independent politics where i can (like mass and ny). but if i was in miami i would vote for obama, cause that would be damn near revolutionary. so its not one size fits all, its about analyzing the particular conditions, the specific conjuncture, the historical moment.

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